About Gods

Murugan The God Of Tamil And War

 Murugan the Tamil God

Murugan was created from lord’s Shiva’s third eye, sparks flew out and became babies. 

“Let Your Love for God change 

the world, but don’t let the world

change your love for God”.

Who is called as Tamil God:

  •        Murugan-Karthikeya is known as the divinity of the Tamil language, and he is referenced in Sangam literature as well.


Why is Murugan a Tamil God:


  •        He is referred to as the Tamil god because he was also known as Seyon, he is the primary god of kurinji region, and Seyon. Worship of Seyon was an old form of devotion among the Tamil populace, as recorded in the Tholkappiyam.
  •      Tamil sangam is legally associated with Karthikeya(Murugan) for a legendary connection between the two gods. The concept of Tamil God is popularly known among Tamil people, to be more specific, only among Tamil people.
  •       The Hindu states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The god Murugan is referred to as the Tamil Deity.
  •        When he left to palani with disappointment of his parents and Ganesha that time he helped Tamil poet Nakkeeran and other poets to get freedom from Andasuran Asura. So Pallavas and Cholas praised him as Tamizh Kadavul Murugan or God of Tamil as he was savior of Tamil language.


Murugan The God Of Tamil and War:

Murugan the god of tamil and war of victory. Murugan is the main god worshipped in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and many other places.