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Sankatahara Chaturthi 2024- வாழ்வின் சகல சங்கடங்களும் அகலும் நாள்

Sankatahara Chaturthi | சங்கடஹர சதுர்த்தி

It is a special auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Most devotees follow fasting and dedicate themselves to lord Vinayaka on this “Sangatahara Chaturthi” day.  Worshipping on this “Sangatahara Chaturthi” is more beneficial.  “Sangadam” means “trouble” in Tamil language and “hara” means ” remove”,  So it is a day for removing troubles in our life through fasting.  It falls on every month, the fourth day of the full moon.

History of “Sankatahara Chaturthi”:

Sankatahara Chaturthi Pooja:

In Kailayam Lord Vinayaka happily plays with his brother and friends. Lord Vinayaka possesses an elephant face and a human body and a fatty stomach. While playing and enjoying the looks un grateful to “lord Chandra Bhagavan”.  At the time lord chandra bhagavan teased and commented about lord Vinayaka’s appearance. Lord Ganesa gets angry at Chandra Bhagavan’s comments and he wishes to teach a lesson to all who judge people by appearance.  So Lord Vinayaka cursed him and remove his glittering.

Lord Chandra Bhagavan much worried and wants to get him glittering back and searching for a way for that.  Unfortunately, he can’t find a way to remove Lord Ganesa’s curse.  Finally, he realized, only lord Ganesha possess the power to remove his curse, later he prayed to Ganesha and get back his glittering on this Chaturthi day.  So every month we performed “sankatahara Chaturthi” on this day. It is an auspicious day because lord Chandra Bhagavan gets a blessing from lord Vinayaka. If we keep fasting on this day we can get blessings from both gods, lord Vinayaka, and Chandra Bhagavan.

How to keep fasting on Sankatahara Chaturthi?

We need to start this Sankatahara Chaturthi Viratham in Tamil month of “Aavani” during vinayagar Chaturthi .  We have to keep this fasting for 11 weeks every month on “Sankatahara Chaturthi” day. If  Sankatahara Chaturthi falls on Tuesday it is called “Maha Sankatahara Chaturthi”. It is a special auspicious day to perform “chaturthi viratham”.

Fasting Method of Sankatahara Chaturthi:

During this “Sankatahara Chaturthi”  day,  take a bath in the early morning and visit the nearest Vinayaka temple and offer some Arugampul (Bermuda grass), and do sit-ups in front of  Lord Ganesha.

After you can start your fasting process, If suppose you have any medical discomfort, you can eat fruits and juices and avoid food items. In this Sankatahara Chaturthi viratham , you should give up your arrogance and selfishness, and all bad attitudes in front of lord Ganesha and pray to ward him.  For more benefits, you can give soaked rice with banana and jaggery mix to komatha(Holy Cow).  Then evening time visit temple and do abishegam and pooja to lord Vinayaka and offer him favorite foods like sundal, kolukattai, Pongal and repeat him slogam. Definitely he will fulfill all your desires  and remove all your troubles in your life.

sankatahara chaturthi is good or bad:

Sankatahara chaturthi is a highly suspicios among all Sankashti Chaturthi days. This day is dedicated to Lord Ganesha.

Fasting on Sankatahara Chaturthi:

Benefits Of Sankatahara Chaturthi:

  1. Generally women’s who wish to have baby will keep this fasting to overcome fertility related issues.
  2.  During Sankatahara Chaturthi viratham we can get blessing from lord Vinayaka as well as lord chandra bhagavan.
  3. In this Sankatahara Chaturthi Viratham Lord Vinayaka satisfy all our wishes and gives enough wealth, wisdom to live our life.

Sankatahara Chaturthi Viratham :

S.No Date Day
1 January 10 Tuesday
2 Feb 9 Thursday
3 Mar 11 Saturday
4 Apr 9 Sunday
5 May 8 Monday
6 June 7 Wednesday
7 July 6 Thursday
8 Aug 4 Friday
9 Sep 3 Sunday
10 Oct 2 Monday
11 Nov 1, Nov 10 Wednesday, Thursday
12 Dec 30 Saturday

Slogams for Worshipping Lord Ganesha:

Sankatahara Chaturthi

Lord Ganesha Brass Statue

“Gajaananam Bhoota Ganaadhi Sevitam Kapitta Jamboophaala Saara Bhakshitam Umaasutam Shoka Vinaasha Kaaranam Namaami Vighneswara Paada Pankajam”

கஜானனம் பூத கணாதி ஸேவிதம் கபித்த ஜம்பூ பலசார பக்ஷிதம் உமாஸுதம் சோக விநாச காரணம் நமாமி விக்னேஸ்வர பாத பங்கஜம்

“Ainthu Karathanai  yaanai muganthanai Inthin elampirai polum eyiranai Nandhi magandranai Gnana kolunthinai Punthiyil vaithu adi poirukirene”

Sankatahara Chaturthi

Lord Vinayaka

ஐந்து கரத்தனை யானை முகத்தனை இந்தின் இளம்பிறை போலும் எயிற்றனை நந்தி மகன்தனை ஞானக் கொழுத்தினைப் புந்தியில் வைத்து அடி போற்றுகின்றேனே

Favourite Foods of Lord Vinayaka:

  1. Kolukattai
  2. Sundal
  3. Laddu
  4. Payasam
  5. Medu vada

Famous Temples in South India for Lord Ganesha:

1.Pillayarpatti Karpaga Vinayagar Temple , Sivagangai

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2. Manakula Vinayagar Temple, Pondicherry

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3. Rockfort Ucchi Pillayar Temple, Trichy

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4. Sasivekalu & kadale Kalu Ganesha Temple, Hampi , Karnatka

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