Why Lord Shiva Is Worshiped In The Form Of Lingam
“The goal of life is to radiate happiness
from each and every cell of your being.”
Shiva the name itself means “one who offers Mangalam ”. To attain knowledge, it is pivotal to worship the Shiva linga in the form of Dhyanalinga; it is the “source of energy”.
Why Lord Shiva Is Worshiped In The Form Of Lingam:
“Har Har Mahadev”
- Lingam is a symbol of divinity and it can generate energy, a phallic object as a symbol of Lord Shiva.
- The lingam appears in Shaivite temples and in private shrines throughout India. The most popular form of worship is Lord Shiva in lingam form.
- The Shiva Lingam is a symbol of the Universe. The two parts of the Shiva Lingam, which are the ling and the panapakkam, represent the universal self in his awakened aspect, being in union with his dynamic energy( the Shakthi, parvathi).
- This is the combination for reproduction function stating ling as phallus and Panapattam of the Universal parents.
We have a authentic information about Why Lord Shiva Is Worshiped In The Form Of Lingam. Lord Shiva is a symbol of Lingam we should praise.
- Shiva Linga is also a cosmic form of fire.