- Weight: 4.88 kg, Height: 9 inches
Brass Modern Stone Ganesha Playing Tampura is a god of success and a destroyer of evilness in life. In this idol of lord Ganesha, we worshipped in the form of playing the tampura. This is to come up with a great enhancing posture. The primary god of Ganesha will give all the wealth and prosperity.
Brass Lord Ganesha Playing Veena Stone Work Idol is handcrafted with brass and has colorful stone works and designs on the statues. This Ganapathy idol is depicted with his elephant head on the veena. And his hands come up as a base for the Ganesha Idol.
Brass Modern Stone Ganesha Playing Tampura Idol Usage:
Brass Stonework Ganesha is purely made for decorating purposes. We can also use this idol for both gifting and pooja idols. This is gone for great gifting option when it comes to Indian festivals, Diwali, Karthikai deepam, and functions.