Ganapathy is known as the son of the Lord Shiva and parvati devi. Having the face of an elephant and a human body, as per our custom and tradition, Lord ganesha (God of beginnings) is considered as the primary deity in starting or undertaking every new venture and endeavors. The worship of ganapati is followed still from very ancient times called GANAPATHYAM which is established by the great saint Adi Shankara considering this as one of the 6 fundamental forms in hindu religious worship.
He got an infinite number of names each for a specific significance and meaning behind them. Some of them are vighnaharta (one who takes away all problems and pain), gajanana (one with elephant face), lambodara, Vinayaka, Ekdant, vikata, vigneshwara, Balachandra, Sumukh, ganesha and various others.
Being the top deity of hindu belief, He is worshipped first before the start of every thing believing that he will destroy all the upcoming obstacles or problems in the task taken. Worshipping him will provide us with joy ,prosperity, health, wealth, long life, good fortune, wisdom and removes all the impediments of life.
The major 32 forms of lord ganesha are discussed as follows;
He is the first among 32 forms of ganapathi. This is the child form of lord ganesha with a golden hue who radiates light like a sun rise.. He also holds certain fruits like banana, ango, sugarcane and jackfruit in his hands.
He represents one of the five elements PRITVI(EARTH), by which he symbolizes the fertile prosperity and abundance of this earth. He holds his favourite sweet modaka in his trunk.
The benefits of worshiping him provides growth, intelligence,bringing good habits in children, improved health and overall happiness.
“Balahasrakka dalichooth panasekshucha modhakam
Balasurya maham vandedevam balaganaadhipam”
He is the second among 32 forms of ganapathy. The term TARUNA means youthful, hence it is the adolescence form of lord ganesha where his bright red colour denotes the fresh blossom of youthfulness in the living souls. He possesses 8 hands and a soft compassionate face.
He holds a broken tusk, elephant goose, sugarcane stalk and rose apple fruit in his right hand and a noose, modak dumpling, wood apple fruit and paddy sprig in his left hand.
A special worship is done especially on the sacred festivals like dhruva ganapathy fasting, ganesh chaturthi and more He represents one of the five elements Vayu(the air)When worshipped he removes all the obstacles and solves various problems in life and also provides sound health, joy and happiness.
“Paashaangushaa poopaka pitthajambu
Svadhanthashaa leekshumapisva hasthai
Dhathae sadhayastaroona bhakantihi
Paayaath sayushman taruno ganeshaha”
He is the third form among the 32 forms of ganapati. This name bakthi portrays the meaning of devotion and he is so compassionate to his devotees.
With 4 arms holding a banana, mango, coconut and a bowl of sweet payasam pudding, this form of ganapathy is very pleasant to his devotees like a shining moon during the period of harvest season along with beautifully garlanded flowers.
He represents one among the five elements jala which means water. Worshiping him provides a control over temper, protects from danger and difficulties in life.
“Naarikelaam rakadhaalee gudpaaya sadhaarinam
Sharath chandhraabhava pooshambhaje bhakthaganaadhipam”
He is the 4th in 32 forms of ganpathy. The term veera ganapathy means “VALIANT WARRIOR” and possesses a fearless brave commander pose, He is a 16 armed warrior-like structure holding various types of weapons and symbols determining the mind power.
The weapons include a goad, discus, bow and arrow, sword, shield, spear, mace, battleax, trident, club, hook, elephant goad, hamer, nagapasha and a victory flag.
He represents the one, among the five elements AGNI (the fire).Worshipping him provides triumph and victory over evilness , overcomes fear and creates confidence in one’s life.
“Bhethaala shakthi sharakarmuk chakrakan
Kadhvaang mudhgargadhaam kushanaa gapaashaan
Shoolam chakuntha prashoojvalamudh vahantam
Veeram ganeshamaroonam sathatham smaraami”
Among 32 forms of ganapathy he is the 5th form. The term shakthi means POWER as per the name he is said to be powerful one and in other words he is along with his consort Shakthi devi at his left lap who is the power provider. Here he is assumed to be in reddish brown in colour and his consort in green colour.
He has four arms in which the lower right hand shows abhaya hastha (protection),two upper hands holding goose and goad and the lower left hand holding a lemon.
He represents one of the five elements AKASH (the sky or space). Worshipping him increases the control over sense and helps to focus and concentrate more to achieve our goals and objectives as a whole,protects the household,brings overall peace and harmony in the family life.
“Alingya Deveem haritangyashtim
Parasparakshlishta Katipradesham
Sandhyarunam Pashashruni Vahantham
Bhayapaham shakthi Ganeshameede”
He is the 6th form in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term DVIJA means “The Twice born” where ‘Dvi’ means ‘two’ and ‘Ja’ means ‘Janma’(birth). He is a four headed structure with moon-like colour. In one way he is equivalent to brahma(the god of creation).
With 4 hands he is holding a noose, goad, ola leaf scriptures, water vessels, japa beads, kamandala and dandam.
By worshipping him one can attain a worthful worldly life, good name, status and fame. People also get benefited by bringing down debts and also possess abundance of material gains.
“Yam pusthakaaksha gunadadakam adalushree
Vidhyothamaan karabhooshanam indhuvarnam
Sthambera maananchathushtaya Shobamaanam
Tvaamya smaredh dvijaganaadhipathe sadhanyaha”
He comes 7th in 32 forms of ganapathy. SIDDHI denotes the meaning of success and accomplishment and hence he is known as The Lord of Success who is the embodiment of a masterly intellect as a whole.
Being in golden-yellowish complexion he takes a relaxed sitting posture with 4 hands in which the 2 right hands hold a battle ax and mango, whereas the 2 left hands hold a flower bouquet and a complete sugar cane plant. His tusk is curled towards the left side holding a sweet cake which is made of sesame seeds and jaggery.
When worshiped he provides success at every endeavor of one’s life when gone through a right venture. He is also a storehouse of ashta(means 8) siddhis which are considered as the rarely unmatched attachments of the universe.
“Pakva choothafal pushpamanjaree
Rikshu dhandam tilmodhakaihasaha
Udhvahan parashumasthu the namaha
Shree samrudhdhiyuthhe mapingala”
He is the 8th form in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term UCCHISTA means remains and leftovers but here he denotes a connotation of tantra aspects by bestowing blessings.
With a bluish complex and in sitting position with his consort on his left lap he has 6 hands. The left hand embraces his consort and in the other hands he holds japamala, pomegranate fruit, fresh spring of paddy, blue color lotus and veena. His tusk ends at the thigh of his consort.
He is worshiped for superior aspects and to gain blessings.He also showers with success in every endeavor of life, advancements in careers, betterment of life and good influenced position in the society.
“Neelaabja dhaadimeeveena shaleepunjaaksha soothrakaha
Dahad ucchistanaamaayam ganeshahapaatu mechaka”
He is the 9th form among 32 forms of ganapathi. The term VIGNA means obstacles, impediments and agitations. By this he implies that he is the remover of all the obstacles and struggles that are faced by the people.
With a golden yellow color complex, this structure of ganpathy is a rare form with a shankha(conch) and chakra(discuss). He has got 8 arms holding his broken tusk, modak sweet, noose, elephant goad, battle ax, sugarcane and flower arrow.He is decorated with ornaments and holding a bunch of flowers at his tuck called as pushpa manjari.
When worshiped he helps to solve all the problems, negative influences in life and bless with abundance joy and prosperity.
“Shankhekshu chaapakusumeshu kutaara pasha
Chakraha svadhanthashruni manjarikaa sharadyaiha
Panishurthaiha parisameehita bhooshanashree
Vigneshwaro vijayateta paneeya saaraha”
Among 32 forms of ganapathy he is the 10th form. In Sanskrit the term KSHIPRA means quickness or immediate, which means he answers every prayer immediately.
With the complexion of red and 4 hands, he holds a broken tusk in his right arm followed by sprig of kalpa vriksha tree, noose, and elephant goad.The end of his trunk curls by holding a pot of jewelry and precious stone called as RATNA KUMBHA.
He is known for being an immediate responder of people’s prayers and hence he is worshiped for the fulfillment of honest wishes, providing knowledge and long healthy life.
“Dhanthakalpalathaa pasha ratnakumbhamshu kojvalaml
Bandhooka kamaneeyaabham dhyaayeth kshipranganadhipam”
He is the 11th form among 32 forms of ganapathy. This name Heramba is formed using two words. He and Ramba in which He means Weakness/helplessness and Ramba means protection. As a whole he is known as the protector of weak and helpless people.
He has a unique structure of 5 heads and 10 arms and rides a majestic lion despite his usual mooshika. His right hand depicts the abhaya hastha and holds broken tusks, japa mala, garland, modak, fruits, nose, battle axe,hammer and a wish granting pose on other hand.
He is a savior god and protects people from sufferings. When worshiped he annihilates fear and brings confidence among the weak people and also provides hope for the poor people.
“Abyavara Dhahastaha Pasha danthaakshaamalaa
Shruniparashu dhadhaano mudhgaram modhakam cha
Falamadhigatha simhaha pancha maatangavaktro
Ganapati rathigourahapaathu herambanaam”
He comes as the 12th in 32 forms of ganapati. The word lakshmi means the goddess of wealth, prosperity and wellbeing. Hence he got this name accordingly.
This form of ganapathy has got a fair complexion with 8 hands, flanked by his two consorts called Siddhi (achievement) and buddhi (wisdom) with lotus flowers in their hand seated on his both thighs and he fondly holding them. His main left hand shows the pose of boon granting varada mudra. He also holds sword, noose, elephant goad, kamandala, green parrot, pomegranate fruit and a sprig of wish granting kalpa vriksha tree.
By worshipping him, he bestows people with wealth, wisdom, intelligence, prosperity and various material gains in their life.
“Bibhraana shukrabeeja poorakmilanmaanikya kumbhaamshukaan
Paasham kalpalathaam cha khadgavilasath jyothihisudhanirjjaraha
Shyaamenaatra saroruhenasahitam devidhvuyam chaanthike
Gouraangora vanaadahasthinihitho lakshmee ganesheavataath”
He is the 13th from among 32 forms of ganapati. The term Maha denotes great and hence he is considered as a great ganesh with a unique distinguished special significance.
His structure has the resemblance of his father lord Shiva with 3 eyes and wearing a crescent moon on his head. He has got a red complexion with a single head and 10 hands holding his own broken tusk, discuss, mace, noose. Sugarcane bow, sprig of paddy, lotus, blue lily, pomegranate fruit and ratna kumbha (pot of precious stones and jewels).
When worshipped this ganesha, help us in providing with significant powerful skills, attaining glory, gain of materials with joy and prosperity.
“Hastheendhraanan mindhuchoodmaroona chchaayam trinetramrasaath
Aashlishtam priyayaasapadhmakarayaa svaanthasthayaa samsthitham
Beejaapoorakadhekshu kaarmukalasath chaktraabja paashothpala
Vreehyaagrasva vishaanratnakalashaan hasthairva hanthambhaje”
He came 14th in 32 forms of ganapathy. With the term Vijaya which means victory this form of ganapati is known as “lord of victory” or ” victorious lord” who always provides success.
With red coloured complexion he is seated on his mount mooshika (rat). He has 4 hands holding a golden mango, his own broken tusk, noose and an elephant goad.
When worshiped him, he may bestow us with achievements, success and triumph, relief from difficulties and provides victory.
“Paashaamkusha hasvadhanthaagra falavaanaakhu vaahana
Nihanthaa sarvavignaanaam rakthavarnom vinaayakaha”
In 32 forms of ganapathi he is the 15th form. The term nrithya is derived from Sanskrit language which means DANCE. So he is portrayed as a Dancer or a Happy dancer which is the relaxed and enjoyable form of the lord.
This unique form of ganesh is portrayed in a dancing form under the wish granting kalpa vriksha tree with one foot on ground and the other foot raised. During the dance he shines in a bright golden yellowish colour with four hands holding his broken tusk, an elephant goad, battle axe and noose. He wears rings in his fingers and trunk curled holding the sweet modak.
Being kind hearted this ganesha will bestow with good proficiency knowledge, aptitude in fine arts along with success and fame.He is mainly worshipped by artists and dancers of fine arts.
“Paashamkushaa Poopakutaar Dhanta-
Chanchath Karamkluptha Varaanguleeyakam
Peethaprabham Kukshihikarastha Dhantam
Bhajaaminruththop Padham Ganesham”
He is the 16th in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term URDHVA is derived from the sanskrit word which means up or upwards at some times with high moral and intellectual values.
This form is portrayed in a sitting tantric position with his consort shakthi devi seated at his left thigh. He is with golden yellow complexion and 8 hands where the main left hand embraces his consort and others holding his broken tusk, mace,lotus, blue lily, sprig of paddy , sugarcane bow and arrow.
As he is the elevator and benefactor person he helps to improve rich and high life who worships him, and he refuges us from every difficulties and to overcome the impediments.
“Kalhaarshaali Kamala Khsukchaapabhaan
Dhantha prarohakghadhikako Jvalaangha
Aalinganodhyaathkaro harithaangyashtyaa
Devyahaakarothu shubh udhvaganaadhipo me”
He comes as 17th in 32 forms of ganapathy. The word Ekam or Eka means Number 1 and Akshara means the letter(single syllable) and Beejakshara mantra which means GUM (seed letter) that denotes “om”. Hence is considered as a lord of a single letter.
In this form he sits majestically in padmasana pose (yoga lotus pose) and rides a mooshika.He has got a red complexion covered with red silk with 3 eyes and crescent moon on his head. He has got 4 hands where main left showing varda, boon granting pose , a noose, elephant goad and pomegranate fruit.
He is a symbol of contemplation and helps to control our mind and sense by worshipping him.
“Raktorataangaraagaankusha Kusumayutah Thundhil Shandramoulihi
Nethrair Yuktaastribhir Vamanakaracharanou Beejapooramdhadhaanaha
Hasthaagrakluptha Paashaamkusha Varadhona Gavakthroahibhoosho
Devaha Padhmaasanastho Bhavathusukhakaro Bhoothayevignaraajaha”
He is the 18th form in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term vara defines Boon or Boons, Hence he is known as the god of Boon Giver.
This is one of the rare forms of lord ganesha seen with his consort shakthi devi (also called as Pushtidevi on the left thigh holding a flag and lotus. With red complexion, 3 eyes, crescent moon on his crown, he has got 4 hands, in which the main left around his spouse’s waist and other hands holding a dish made of honey, noose, ankusa and the trunk curling on the right holding a ratna kumba.
He is considered as the symbol of generosity and he is worshiped for the true wishes to be fulfilled.
“Sindhoora bhamibhananam Trinayam Hastecha Paashaankushou
Bibhraanam Madhumat Kapaalamanisham Svaadhvindumoulim Bhaje
Pushtyoslishtathanum Dhvajaagrakarayaa Padmolla sathsvasthriyaa
Tadhonyahitha paanimatravila sadhpathroooasath pushakaram”
He comes as 19th in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term Tryakshara is a combo of two words Thry or Thray which means number 3 and Akshara which means letters. So it’s a three letter word which is “A”, “U” and “M”. Hence he is known as the lord of the Sacred OM.
He has got the structure with golden yellow complexion, 3 eyes and 4 hands holding a broken tusk, elephant goad, noose and a mango fruit. He is portrayed with big flabby ears, fly whisk and his trunk curled towards the left holding his favourite sweet modak dumpling.
When worshipped he helps in concentrating more in education, progress in career, spiritual knowledge and self realisation.
“Gajendra vadanam sakshad chalakarna sachamaram,
Hemavarnam chathurbahum paashangusha gharam varam
Swadantham dakshinehasthe kavyethwam raphalam thad
Pushkarai modhakam chaiva dhaarayantha manusmareth”
He is the 20th form in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term ksripra means immediacy and prasada in general means boon or blessings and here it is mentioned as action. Hence he is termed as the lord who answers all the prayers of his devotees immediately.
This form of ganapathy has 3 eyes and a crescent moon on his crown like his father. He has got a red complexion and is seated on a throne which is made of kusha grass with a big belly considering he carries the whole universe in his belly. He also got 6 hands holding his broken tusk, a twig of wish granting kalpa vriksha tree, elephant goad, a noose, white lotus and pomegranate fruit.
When worshipped, he immediately provides the benefits with pleasures, success and peace. He clears all the obstacles and paves the way towards self realisation.
“Dhuthpaashaamkusha kalpalatha svaradhaschabeeja pporakayuthaha
Shashishakalkalith moulis thrilochanoarunashchaga jananaha
Bhaasurbhoo shandheepthobruhdhu darhapadhmavihvalol pavanaha
Vighnapayodhara karabhruthamusala hasadhaasthume bhoothyai”
He comes as 21th in 32 forms of ganapathy. The main speciality of this ganapathy is that it is made up of turmeric.
With bright golden complexion and yellow clothes he sits in the aplomb on a royal throne. He has got 4 hands in which he was holding his broken tusk, elephant goad, noose, his favourite snack sweet modak
Worshipping this turmeric ganapathy symbolises the wealth, health, success and fulfillment of the earnest desires of all the people..
“Haridhrabham chathurbhaahum haridhravadhanam prabhum
Paashaam kusha dharam modhakam dhantameva cha
Bhakthaa abhaya pradhaathaaram devam vigna vinaashanam
Devadevam jagadha vandham haridhraa ganapatim bhaj”
He is the 22nd form in 32 forms of ganapathy. He is known as the Lord with a single tusk in which his name implies Ekam or Eka means number 1 and Danta means tusk. He is the god of big belly because he is considered to be holding the whole big universe inside his belly.
Having a blue complexion, and 4 hands he was holding his own broken tusk, hatchet, japamala and laddu(sweet balls). This form is one of the merciful compassionate forms of the lord who meant sacrifice where he gave up his own tusk for writing scripts.
When worshipped he provides us with good focused thinking, intense action and sure success.
“Lambodaram Shyamatanum Ganesham
Kuttarbhikshus raja mudvahantham
Saladukkam Dantamadhaha Karabhyam
Vameteraabhyam cha Dadhaanimeede”
He comes as the 23rd in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term Srishti means Creation hence he is known as the God of Creation like lord brahma. He is representing all the manifestations of the universe.
With red coloured complexion he is seated on his moshika rat having a single face and 4 hands holding his broken tusk, elephant goad, noose and mango fruit.
By worshipping him he provides a good clarity in thoughts and good sound sense of discrimination and joyful life always.
“Pashankusha Svadantamraphalavan Akhuvahanaha
Vighnam Nignanshonah Srishtidaksho Vinayakaha”
He is the 24th form in 32 different forms of ganapathy. The word Dhanda means punishment, so the lord is considered as a punisher who protects people from all the evil and wickedness. He is portrayed as a very rare form who is angry and aggressive in nature.
He has got a red complexion with 3 eyes and his consort Shakthi devi at his left lap. This form is with single face and 12 hands holding the following, his own broken tusk, mace, noose, ratna khumba, blue lily flower, lotus flower, sugarcane, sprig of paddy, pomegranate fruit, kamandalam and a garland.
He is the one who protects and is the prosecutor of wicked evil.He is the upholder and enforcer of Dharma. By worshipping him, he reveals us from constraints and bondages.
“Kalhaaram bhijabeejapoorakgadhaa dantekshuchaao msumaam
Bibhraan manipoora shaalikalashoupaashams rajamchaabjakam
Gouraangya ruchiraaravidhakraya devya samaaingitho
Shonaango shubamatanotu sathatham udhdhandavigneshwaraha”
In 32 forms of ganapathi this is the 25th form. The term Runa or Rina means Debts and vimochana means getting relieved from. He is a form of merciful lord who helps to relieve from both worldly and karmic mitigate debts.
This form has got the structure of crystal image, smooth and pure milky white complexion and dressed with red silk. He has got 4 arms holding the broken tusk, goad, noose, rose apple (his favourite fruit).
By worshipping him he helps to overcome our sins, difficulties and guide us towards the worldly bondages to the way of salvation. Atlast it helps to march in the path of success as a whole.
“Paashaamkushou dantajamvow dhadhaanahasfatik prabhaha
Rakthaam shuko ganapatimudhesyaadh runamochaka”
He is the 26th form in 32 forms of ganapathy. As this form of ganapathy is excelled in the spiritual studies helps to reach the path of moksha.
He is with red complexion and 4 hands holding his own broken tusk, axe, rudraksha and ratna kumbha (which is considered to contain the elements of supreme consciousness).
When worshipped he helps to rejuvenate the lives and make them illustrious in every way. He removes all the obstacles and leads to the path of spirituality and is an unfailing spiritual guide.
“Akshamaalaa kutaaram cha rathnapaatram svadantakam
Dhataekarai vignaraajo dhundinaamaam udheasthunaha”
He comes 27th in 32 forms of ganapathy. This name is a combination of two words Dvi and Mukha in which Dvi means two and mukha means face. Hence he is a two headed lord who can see in all directions.
He has got a bluish green complexion wearing red silk and a jeweled crown adorning his head. With 4 arms he is holding his broken tusk, right hand main hand showing protection symbol , besides elephant goad, noose and ratna khumba in other three hands.
This form is the strongest aspect of lords when worshipped he protects us from harmful forces and other dangers that conquer our life’s path.
“Svadhanta Pashankusharatnapaatraha
Karaih Dadhano Harinilagaatrah
Rakthaam shuko rakthakireetamaalee
Bhoothai sadhaamae dvimukoganeshaha”
He is the 28th form in 32 forms of ganapathy. The term Trimukha is the combination of two words Tri and mukha, in which Tri means number 3 and Mukha means face. Hence he is the Three headed form of lord.
This 3 headed form of ganapathy is seated in the golden lotus in red complexion with 6 hands holding japamala, elephant goad in 2 right hands, noose, an urn filled with nectar in his left hand. He shows boon granting varada mudra in his main right hand and Abhaya mudra in his left hand offering protection to his devotees.
By worshipping him, he makes sure to provide the welfare of the devotees and their families.
“Shreemaththeekshana shikaamkushaakshavardhaandha kshedhadhaanahakaraiha
Paashamchaamruth poornakumbham ubhyamvaamedha dhaanomudhaa
Peete svarmaaara vindhavilasath sathkarnikabhaasuraiha
Svaaseenahastrhi mukhapalaa shruchironaa gaananahapaathunaha”
This is the 29th form in 32 forms of ganapathy. This form of ganapathy is a fearless mighty formidable form of lion where he is seated on the majestic animal so that he is called Simha ganapathi.
This form of ganapathy has got a fair complexion with 8 hands holding a veena, sprig of wish granting kalpa vriksha tree, blossoming lotus, bouquet of flowers, ratna khumba ( pot of jewels) and a discus. His face is in resemblance to a lion and elephant holding a mini icon representing a lion in one of his hands.He is showing a boon granting mudra in his right hand and Abhaya mudra in left showing protection.
He provides good strength, fights against the negative forces and evil, protects from the hazards or dangers and bestows with victory in life.
“Vinam kalpaatamarim Cha Varada Dakshe vidhatte karai vasametamarasam Cha
Ratnakalasham Sanmamjarim Abhayam Shamdadam Dalasanm Rugendravadanam
Shamkemduga urashshubodi vyaratnanibhamshuko Ganapatih payadapayatsanah”
He comes 30th in 32 forms of ganapathy. As his name implies, he is often depicted in a yoga posture with both of his legs strapped together. He is often with his mantra, japamala and meditation stuff.
He looks like a shining sun with pleasing blue coloured complexion and holds rudraksha mala in the main right hand, yoga stuff in left hand along with noose and sugarcane stalk.
Though he is in his yogic position he also hears the prayers of his devotees and addresses their problems with the help of his yogic powers. By worshipping he relieves people from worries and conflicts.
“Yogaaroodo yoga pattaabhiraamo
Paayaanityam yoga vigneshwaronaha”
This is the 31st form in 32 forms of ganapathy. This form is an invisible form of unconquerable state of lord who holds a victory flag representing purity and strength.
He is in golden complexion with 8 hands where he holds his own broken tusk, rose apple fruit,elephant goad, bow and arrow, noose, sugarcane and rudraksha japa mala.He is the destroyer of evil.
When worshipped he helps us to free from all our karmic bondages and bless with joy and happiness.
“Tapthakaanchana sankaashashchashta hastho mahaththanuhu
Thapthaam kushamsharamchaa pamdhantham dhakshairvahakaraiha
Vaamepaasham Kaarmukamcha lathaamjambhoom dadhaathkaraiha
Rakthaam shukahasadhaa bhooyaath durgaganapthirmudhe”
He is the last form in 32 forms of ganapathy. He is considered as the remover of difficulties and sorrows in people’s life.
This form of ganapathy is attired with blue colour with his consort Shakthi devi at his left lap seated on a red lotus and his consort wearing green attires holding a lotus flower in her hands. He has got 4 hands in which the boon granting varda mudra is shown in his main right hand and his left hand gradually embracing his consort. He is holding a vessel with payasam/kheer, milk pudding, elephant goad and noose.
When worshipped this form of ganapathy helps to remove all the difficulties, miseries and distress by providing satisfaction and joy in people’s life.
“Baalaarkaaroona kaanthirvaame baalam vahannamkae
Lasathin dheevarhasthaam gourinsadh ratnashobaadyaam
Dakshe ankushvarapaanim vaamepaashaamcha paayasampaatram
Neelaamkusha sampannapeete pathmaaroonothishta
Sankashta haranadhrakshapaayaath sankashta poojayathushtaha”
All the 32 forms of lord Genesha is most important in all the gods.